Re-Learning Belief

Jesus taught that we should consider carefully what we hear.  Then he taught that we need to consider carefully how we listen.  In both instances, Jesus instructed his followers to interact with him in two ways.  First, he had an expectation that his followers would engage with the content, meaning and implication of what he has taught.  Secondly, he had an expectation that his followers would recognise, identify and participate with the variety of communication methods he uses to instruct us.

In taking seriously the instruction to ‘consider carefully how we listen’ it becomes evident there is a wide spectrum on which we might respond to what we’ve heard.  For instance, at one end of the spectrum, we could respond with a confident, matter-of-fact faith that simply acts on the basis that Jesus means what he says (Lk 7.1-10, see post).  At the opposite end of the spectrum would be those who whole-heartedly rejected Jesus and completely disregarded what he said (Jn 11.47-50).  At some point on the spectrum would be the ones who heard his teaching, recognised his truth and responded but, at least for a time, weren’t overt in the way in which they lived out that belief (Jn 19.38, see post).  Most of us would land on the spectrum somewhere between the Centurion and those who tried to figure out how to live what they believed.

One of the things I’m humbled by – and asking Holy Spirit to help me in – is the wide variety of places I land on this spectrum, depending on the heart issue I’m investigating at any given time.  In some areas, I have heard Jesus’ words and find it somewhat easy to respond in a measure of confidence, peace or rest – because I have an assurance of how God has spoken to me or demonstrated himself.  Perhaps it was a past encounter or perhaps it was the clarity in which I heard him; but standing in these places my feet do not easily slip.

However, in other areas where I am learning to apply the lessons we’re discussing, I don’t feel as steady on my feet.  In some of these areas, I find myself unsteady; revisiting previous intentions, listening for wisdom that leads to stability.  Some of these areas, while they are not new, carry what feels like new lessons; as if the practice of considering carefully how I listen brings fresh instructions.  It’s as though, by taking his instruction more seriously the last few years, I’m re-learning how to believe what Jesus taught and thereby, discovering HIM more deeply.

I wish I could say I always live with the faith of the Centurion or the Syrophoenician woman.  But, I often relate with those who presented their need, expressed their confusion or admitted their lack of faith.  In these times, with desire for a deeper experience of what Jesus taught, the following stories help me refocus on the content of Jesus’ message and prompt me to consider more carefully how I listen.

When fear or doubt get in the way of belief:  “Don’t be afraid, just believe….” (Mark 5.36)

When I get frustrated with a lack of breakthrough, healing or change:  “I believe, help me overcome my unbelief… “  (Mark 9.24)

When I feel confused, uncertain, or at a loss for direction: “Don’t let your hearts be troubled.  Believe God, Believe me also”  (Jn 14.1)

When I consider carefully what I hear and how I listen, many Scripture verses take on new meaning.  The freshness of HIS voice peels back the layers of familiarity and invites me into a deeper experience with HIS words.

“I am the Way, the Truth and the Life” (Jn 14.6)


I am learning to come to him, listen to what he says and then put his teachings into practice (see post).  I am on a journey of rediscovering the practice of trust, of faith, of belief.