Simon’s New Name: A Reminder (Part 3)

Peter is often considered the spokesman for the Disciples.  He is the one who said things before the others did and this tendency can create a view in the eyes of some that Simon Peter was impetuous; always speaking without thinking.  But, not everything Simon Peter said was unthinkingly rash.  Consider the time he asked Jesus to call him out of the boat because he wanted to walk on the water with Jesus.  In that instance Simon Peter demonstrated a rock-like faith that was based on understanding that a disciple is to be like his Master.  (see post)

Yet, even around this instance of walking on water, there is no mention of Jesus calling him Peter.  While I’d love to speculate on the conversations Jesus may have had with Simon Peter as they reflected on that event afterwards, the record of what was said gives no indication that Jesus used the name Peter.

Just in case Simon was doubting this different identity, or if he was beginning to think Jesus could possibly have forgotten, Jesus repeated his pronouncement of Simon’s new name toward the end of his ministry, after he asked the Disciples who they thought he was.  Simon Peter spoke up declaring that Jesus was the Messiah, the Son of God.  Jesus said to him, “Blessed are you Simon, son of John, for this was not revealed to you by man but by my Father in heaven.  I say to you that you are Peter (Cephas) and on this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell will not be able to stand up against it” (see Mt 16.13-18).

This second instance, this reminder, of Simon’s new name came approximately 3 years after the first time Jesus said it.  That’s a long time when you’re in close relationship.  And, when you’re in relationship with the one who is demonstrating the power of God’s Kingdom (Lk 11.20), speaking the words of life (Jn 6.68) and having supernatural encounters with God (Mk 9.7), Simon could be forgiven for thinking that something like referring to one of your followers by the new name you’ve given him ought to be followed through.  “It’s been three years; you’ve told me this twice yet you’re still calling me Simon.”

For years I’ve pursued Him, giving away what He’s given me, doing everything I can to make steady progress toward the vision.

Simon…, Simon…, Simon…