I Understand

I understand your frustration.  I understand the questions you have – wondering if this is all there is to Church life.  I know the confusion you’ve felt, wondering if what you’re experiencing is the fullness of the life Jesus talked about.  I understand that you would feel deeply hurt if what you’ve experienced is all that is available.  Disappointed at feeling as though you’ve been misled.  Even angry, that someone had tapped into the deepest parts of you only to then leave you with a list of behaviours to mimic, meetings to attend and rules to follow.  I understand. I’ve been there myself.  I’ve felt this way too.

There really is more to this whole Christianity thing.  There really is more to what Church should be.  More to who God is.  More to who you are.

I don’t have it all figured out yet.  I’m still learning.  But what I have discovered is so much better than I imagined possible.  The things I’m learning are incredible, liberating, life-giving.  They are so wonderful I often stop and wonder why I didn’t see them before.  Why didn’t anyone tell me?  How have so many of us missed these things?

I understand if you are sceptical.  I know how deeply you’ve been hurt, disillusioned, disappointed.  I realise that by raising these ideas I’m opening up wounds that you felt had healed over.  But I’m asking you to try trusting me.  That little tug you feel in your heart; I encourage you to allow yourself to follow it.  Come with me, let’s explore together.  Let’s discover what God has in store for those who believe.