Come, Hear, Do (part 2)

Jesus continued the lesson with a story about someone who builds his house on the ground, not digging and setting a proper foundation.  The correlation is that this person hears Jesus’ words but doesn’t put them into practice.

Why would someone who hears the words of Jesus choose not to put them into practice?  What is going on in the heart or mind of someone who would decide that the teachings of Jesus are not worth attempting to integrate into their life?

Could it be that the person simply has no regard for the teaching of Jesus?  Is it possible that they don’t have respect or honour for Jesus?  Could there be an issue of pride or the inability to receive instruction?

Maybe it could be any combination of these, but notice what Jesus pointed out.  The one who builds his house on the ground did not actually come to Jesus.  So, this person has missed out on step 1 (anyone who comes to me) and step 3 (put my words into practice).

This makes what Jesus says all the more interesting.  If the person didn’t come to Jesus how did he hear the words of Jesus?  Did he hear the words through a 3rd party? Did he hear the words because he happen to pass by?

It’s impossible to know – after all, this is only a parable.  But by saying this Jesus seems to indicate that those who come to him (seek him) will be more inclined to put into practice the teachings they hear from him.

Let’s think about this for a minute.  We do not usually seek something or someone unless we recognise a need for what that person has to offer.  If we seek out a doctor– we’ve recognised a need.  If we seek out an architect – we’ve recognised a need.  If we seek out a friend or loved one – we’ve recognised a need, albeit a different type of need.  Seeking Jesus is what we do when we’ve recognised we have a need.

Why would anyone seek, if they don’t recognise they have a need?   At the same time, if someone doesn’t seek, it is likely they are unaware of their need.  So, the person who builds their house on the ground does so because he is completely unaware that there is a better way.

I’ve heard this story talked about in church for many years and it’s almost always spoken of with more than a hint of judgment about the one who built the house on the ground.  As a child I was even taught a song about this story and the man who built his house upon the ‘sand’ was immortalised in the song as being ‘foolish’.

Perhaps, I’ve been too quick to judge the man. Perhaps this man is simply an allegorical version of so many of my friends who, for whatever reason, have not come to Jesus and are unaware of the wisdom, freedom and life of his words.  Do I judge them?  No, I have compassion for them.  I look for ways to introduce them to this great teacher called Jesus.  I look for ways to help them realise that he is the one who can meet their need.