Monthly Archives: October 2016

Simon, Do You Love Me? (Part 6)

When I first realised that Jesus gave Simon the new name but didn’t seem to use it when he spoke to him, I found myself being a little confused; even a little uneasy.  Why give him the name and not call him that when you talk to him?   Why put the guy through that kind of confusion?

Now that I see the end of the story I am more settled, more at peace.  Again, much of this is my own surmising, but when we get to the final conversation between Jesus and Simon, it is clear that something very significant had taken place.

After the resurrection – and after Jesus had appeared to the Disciples a few times – Simon and some of the others were out fishing.  Although they had seen Jesus and experienced the breath-taking awe of his resurrection, I still wonder what was going through Simon’s mind?  How was he dealing with the fact that he had denied Jesus?

While they were in the boats Jesus showed up on the beach cooking fish that he ‘caught’ before the others dragged in another substantial catch.  After breakfast Jesus had a conversation that is often referred to as the re-instatement of Peter, yet Jesus continued to call him Simon.

Simon…, Simon…, Simon…

Three times Jesus asks, “Simon, do you love me?”  The Greek words used in this conversation (Jn 21.15-17) relay an increasing level of personal commitment; intimate, experiential knowing; and profound, godly love.  By using a progression of words which reveal a deepening of the meaning of love, Jesus is directing Simon’s attention more deeply into the very core of his identity and, therefore, the very depths of his relationship with Jesus.

It’s as if each question from Jesus reminded Simon of his three denials.  Each question about the level and type of love he had for Jesus forced Simon to face what was at the root of each denial.

“I don’t know him.”   …Simon, do you love me?

“I am not one of his followers!”  …Simon, do you really love me?

“I don’t know what you’re talking about!!”   …Simon, do you truly love me?

After the third exchange Jesus told him of the kind of death Simon would undergo and then re-issued his invitation for Simon to follow him.  It’s as if Simon had to get to the very bottom of ‘Simon’ in order to become the ‘Peter’ Jesus knew he was.  Once Peter had gotten to that place, Jesus re-issued the call, “Follow me!” (Jn 21.19).

The power of Jesus’ mercy is striking.  He didn’t condemn Simon; yet neither did he ignore the denials.  But rather than give him a lecture, Jesus went straight to the heart of the issue.

Simon, do you love me?  You denied me because you were afraid.

Simon, do you love me?  You were afraid because there was a part of you that was insecure about my love.

Simon, do you love me?  There is a depth of relationship with me that can free you from the effects of fear, insecurities and desire for reputation.

Peter…. Follow me!

Tell the Disciples and Peter (Part 5)

I often wonder what those hours immediately following the crucifixion were like for Simon.  What thoughts ran through his mind after he denied knowing Jesus?  How did he deal with the sickening feeling in the pit of his stomach as he reflected on how he’d turned his back on his friend, his teacher, his master?

Jesus had actually called him Peter – Cephas – the ‘rock’.  And within that exchange, the only time Jesus ever called him by that name, Jesus also warned Simon that he would betray Jesus.  Imagine the incongruity of it all.

Simon, you’ve lived with the fact that three years ago I gave you a new name, yet I’ve continued to call you Simon.  Your new name, Peter, is a name of which you can be proud.  It’s a solid name; a name which reflects an uncompromising nature.  Now, in the very moment I finally use that name to address you, I’m also telling you that you will behave in a manner that is the very opposite of this new name.

I wonder if Simon was able to put all this together with Jesus’ statement immediately prior?

“Simon, Satan has asked to sift you but I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail.  When you have turned back, strengthen your brothers” (Lk 22.31).

Even though Simon may not have made it through the ‘sifting’ in the way he likely would have preferred.  Jesus knew Simon truly was the ‘rock’ worthy of the name Peter.  Jesus had confidence in him.

But, what was it like for Simon during that day in-between?  Was he able to look the other disciples in the eye?  Was there tension between them all?  Simon, you and John went into the courtyard so you would know what was happening to Jesus.  Why did you run off?  Did Simon feel he was no longer worthy to be counted among them?

I realise this is my own speculation, but something the angel said to the women stands out to me.  When the women arrived at Jesus’ tomb and found it was empty the angel said to them, “…Go tell his disciples and Peter…” (Mk 16.7).

The angel didn’t say, “Tell the disciples and Simon…”   Not only did the angel refer to him by the new name, but the angel was aware there was already some sort of distance between Simon and the rest of the Disciples.  Had Simon already distanced himself?  Had he turned away?

Perhaps, the angel’s instruction was to indicate to everyone that Simon was still included in the group.  Perhaps, the use of the name Peter, was an indication to all that Simon was no longer to be called Simon.  Perhaps, the use of the name Peter, was an indication to Simon that, despite how he may have felt at the moment, he truly was Peter.

Simon…, Simon, when you turn back; strengthen your brothers.

Simon, Peter, Simon (Part 4)

Not long after the second time of announcing Simon’s change of name, Jesus finally calls him Peter.   The only recorded instance of Jesus calling Simon by the name Peter is recorded in Luke 22.34.  Jesus uses the name Peter when he prophesied that Simon was about to deny him three times that night.  Ouch.

Why did Jesus wait until this moment to call him Peter?  It seems so contrary to the new name.  This is the occasion when Simon is the least rock-like.  Why not call him Peter after one of his many declarations of truth, or demonstrations of faithfulness?  Why not call him Peter after he walked on water!?!  Why wait to call him by this name of ‘rock’ when you’re telling him he will be very un-rock-like?  Why use this name to tell Simon he will betray his friend, the one for whom only moments previously he had said he would lay down his life?

“Peter, before the rooster crows you will have disowned me three times.”

When the soldiers came to arrest Jesus, Simon took up the sword – some would say that is rock-like behaviour when your mentor and rabbi is being abused and unfairly treated.

When Jesus was taken in for questioning, Simon and John talked their way into the courtyard – some would say that is rock-like behaviour to stay aware of what is happening to your friend and teacher.

But when he is questioned by a servant girl Simon operated in non-rock-like behaviour.  Some may say it didn’t really matter what a servant girl thought, Simon was focused on what was happening to Jesus.  The servant girl was a distraction. Simon wanted to find out what would happen to Jesus, so he let the denials flow and kept his attention on the court proceedings.

Imagine Simon’s fear and guilt when he heard the rooster crow.  Imagine the sinking feeling in his gut when he realised that these flippant denials to an insignificant servant girl really did matter.  Imagine the depth of shame and embarrassment as he made eye contact with Jesus.  What passed between them in that brief encounter?  How rock-like did Simon feel in those moments?

Simon…, Simon…, Simon…

Simon’s New Name: A Reminder (Part 3)

Peter is often considered the spokesman for the Disciples.  He is the one who said things before the others did and this tendency can create a view in the eyes of some that Simon Peter was impetuous; always speaking without thinking.  But, not everything Simon Peter said was unthinkingly rash.  Consider the time he asked Jesus to call him out of the boat because he wanted to walk on the water with Jesus.  In that instance Simon Peter demonstrated a rock-like faith that was based on understanding that a disciple is to be like his Master.  (see post)

Yet, even around this instance of walking on water, there is no mention of Jesus calling him Peter.  While I’d love to speculate on the conversations Jesus may have had with Simon Peter as they reflected on that event afterwards, the record of what was said gives no indication that Jesus used the name Peter.

Just in case Simon was doubting this different identity, or if he was beginning to think Jesus could possibly have forgotten, Jesus repeated his pronouncement of Simon’s new name toward the end of his ministry, after he asked the Disciples who they thought he was.  Simon Peter spoke up declaring that Jesus was the Messiah, the Son of God.  Jesus said to him, “Blessed are you Simon, son of John, for this was not revealed to you by man but by my Father in heaven.  I say to you that you are Peter (Cephas) and on this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell will not be able to stand up against it” (see Mt 16.13-18).

This second instance, this reminder, of Simon’s new name came approximately 3 years after the first time Jesus said it.  That’s a long time when you’re in close relationship.  And, when you’re in relationship with the one who is demonstrating the power of God’s Kingdom (Lk 11.20), speaking the words of life (Jn 6.68) and having supernatural encounters with God (Mk 9.7), Simon could be forgiven for thinking that something like referring to one of your followers by the new name you’ve given him ought to be followed through.  “It’s been three years; you’ve told me this twice yet you’re still calling me Simon.”

For years I’ve pursued Him, giving away what He’s given me, doing everything I can to make steady progress toward the vision.

Simon…, Simon…, Simon…


Simon, Simon, Simon (Part 2)

One of the challenges we have when we read back on the life of Simon Peter and the other disciples is that we tend to read from a perspective of what we have learned.  When I read about Simon I automatically call him ‘Peter’.  (Even as I type this I am prone to type ‘Peter’ even when I’m trying to point out the difference between this and his original name, Simon.)

But, have you ever noticed when reading through the gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) that every time Jesus spoke to Peter he still called him Simon?  There is only one exception to this, which we’ll look at later.

The first time Jesus met Simon he said to him, “You shall be called Peter”.  Yet Jesus continued to call him Simon…, Simon…, Simon…

I was really surprised when I came across this.  I had grown so accustomed to knowing Simon as ‘Peter’ that I made that name-shift in my head when I read the stories about Simon or, as John often referred to him, Simon Peter.   But, by doing this re-naming as I read, I never recognised that Jesus continued to refer to Simon as Simon – even after giving him the new name of Peter.

Simon…, Simon…, Simon…

Why would Jesus do that?  Why give him a new name but continue to refer to him by the old name?  Did Simon have to grow into this new name….?  Were there things Simon needed to learn or graduate into before he could take on his new name?

Perhaps he did.  But can you imagine the doubts that could have been swimming through Simon’s mind?  Jesus gave me a new name but he still calls me by Simon, is there something I’m missing…?  Or, perhaps Simon had some sense of recognition that the new identity given by Jesus, ROCK, was too much of a stretch.  Jesus must see something in me that he would give me that name.  Peter resonates within me but I still feel that identity is too lofty for me to achieve.

I can imagine the doubts that must have run through Simon’s mind.  But what was he learning in the process?

I’ve learned through my process.  I have a vision that burns in my heart. “You shall be called Peter”.

Yet I remain in the process of learning.   Simon…, Simon…, Simon…

Simon’s New Name (Part 1)

When Jesus began his ministry the first two disciples were those that had been following John the Baptist. One of them, Andrew, had a brother called Simon.  Andrew wanted to let his brother know about Jesus so he went to get him saying, “We have found the Messiah!” and brought Simon to meet Jesus.  When Andrew and Simon arrived, Jesus said to him, “You are Simon, the son of John, you will be called Peter” (Jn 1.42; cf Mk 3.16).

Imagine how Simon must’ve felt in that moment.  This man, this Prophet, this one his brother called the Messiah just initiated an intimate encounter with him.   And, in doing so, forever altered Simon’s identity.

In that culture, men were identified as being the son of their father.  That’s why so many people are introduced as the ‘Son of …..’.   Yet, without having met Simon previously, Jesus calls out Simon’s name, “You are Simon the son of John”.

Jesus seems to jump right into the deep, personal places of Simon’s heart by giving him a new name.  Not only is he stating how much he knows about Simon, but he is also stating how well he knows Simon.  The depth of intimate knowledge Jesus has for Simon is exemplified by giving him a new name – but this is more than just a new pet name, or a nick-name like you’d get from your friends.  In this re-naming, Jesus is telling Simon, ‘I am giving you a new identity, a new direction for your life.  Not only do you have a new name, now you have a new Father.’

But there’s even more to this.  We know from other parts of Scripture that when Jesus speaks his words actually create the reality he speaks about.  So, imagine being Simon in that moment.  Not only does Jesus speak to something about his identity, but inwardly he must’ve felt something that went deeper than an intimate moment of self-awareness.  The new reality which was created as Jesus spoke would have initiated a stirring in the depths of Simon’s spirit.  He most likely would not have been able to articulate what he was experiencing, but a new reality had just been conceived in the very depths of Simon’s identity.

Have you ever had a similar experience with Jesus?  Have you felt a shift in your identity when he spoke to you about something?  I have.  There was a day many years ago when he clarified a vision – a life calling.  The clarity of that vision changed everything.  From that point to now I have attempted to work out that vision in every way possible.  When Jesus speaks something like this it cannot be forgotten, nor can it be manufactured or forced into being.  There’s an element of faithfully working toward it, but there’s an even larger element of allowing God to orchestrate all the required parts.