Hearing the Word & Receiving the Seed

As we embark on the journey of recognising the importance of WHO we believe as opposed to WHAT we believe, the principle of applying faith to what we hear is a central component.

On one hand, since we’re more focused on WHO rather than WHAT, it can sound contradictory to say that we apply faith in the message we hear.  The question could be asked, ‘Shouldn’t we apply faith in God, rather than in the message we hear from God?’  But there doesn’t need to be any contradiction in this.

When God speaks, his message reveals an aspect of his nature.  Because of who he is, his message carries his life-giving essence and the substance of his Spirit (Jn 6.63).  This could be a reason the Apostle Paul said, “Faith comes by hearing” (Rom 10.17).

I think of the process in this way. When we hear the message from God the soft heart is predisposed to recognise the life and substance of God contained within the words we hear.  With the recognition of this aspect of God’s nature, faith is stirred within our spirit which enables the heart to respond in faith.  It’s as if the words of God contain the active ingredient which causes our spirit to respond with faith.  Remember, as we’ve discussed, faith is the by-product of belief.

In a few places, Scripture describes the word of God as the ‘seed’ of God (the Greek word used here is “sperma” [1 Jn 3.9]).  In the natural systems of reproduction, the role of the seed is to fertilise the egg.  Imagine that our faith is the ‘egg’ which is fertilised by the ‘seed’ of God.  When we combine our faith with the seed of God, a deeper awareness of his nature is conceived within our hearts.

In the natural, life must be cared for and nurtured.  In the same way, we need to learn how to nurture the newly received revelation in order to integrate it into our lives and decision-making.  It’s as if the newly grasped revelation needs to develop within the womb of our soul.