Dilemma of a Hard Heart

With all the discussion about soft hearts, I find myself somewhat troubled.

On one hand, I’m encouraged by what I’m learning about a soft heart.  Especially, as I grow in recognition of the many ways Holy Spirit may speak.  These lessons about a soft heart are comforting and instructional; yet, I remain bothered.  What about those whose hearts have become hardened?  Are they doomed to life with an inability to recognise and respond to God?

I understand that there may be some who have rejected God, His Word and His goodness for so long that their hearts look more like a concrete car park rather than the compacted soil of a foot-path in Jesus’ parable.  But does this mean that God’s Word cannot penetrate the armour of their heart?

In addition, I have experienced enough of life to know that many people have a hard edge to their heart but, deeper down, their hearts are soft.  They are merely putting up defences in attempts to protect themselves.  Many people who have a hardened exterior, have actually been hurt, disappointed or disillusioned and are attempting to keep others, or God, from getting too close for fear of being hurt again.  But, if these people have allowed hardness to build up around their hearts through the continued rebuffing of God’s good news, will He leave them trapped within the cavern of their callouses?

These, and similar examples, are where I sense the dilemma.  How will God’s message of goodness and truth pierce through the outer layers of a heart which have been solidified by someone’s choices?

We know that God is a good Father who desires that all people are in relationship with him (Rom 8.16; 1 Tim 2.4).  We know that the Word of God contains the Life and Essence of God Himself (Jn 6.63).  We know that it is with the heart that one believes (Rom 10.17) and we know that in order for one to believe the message of God’s Word, it must be presented and explained to them (Rom 10.14).  But, if the heart is hard, how is one able to hear and receive the seed of His Word?  If the heart is hard, how is one able to recognise the voice of God apply faith, and respond?

We briefly considered this challenge in an earlier part of our discussion (see post) but at the time we were building on the concept of learning how to listen.  The problem now becomes much more poignant; and Jesus’ explanation of the parable of the soils gives an insight into God’s solution.